IHE-Europe Members

User Associations

Entscheiderfabrik (GUIG) www.guig.org

European Association of Hospital Managers (EAHM) www.eahm.eu.org

European Association of Hospital Pharmacists (EAHP) https://www.eahp.eu 

GS1 Netherlands www.gs1.nl

Nictiz www.nictiz.nl

Société Française de Radiologie (SFR) www.sfrnet.org



Agfa Healthcare www.agfa.com

Arsenàl.IT www.consorzioarsenal.it

A-Thon www.a-thon.it

Computer Team SA www.cteam.gr

Dedalus www.dedalus.eu

GE Healthcare www.gehealthcare.com

Gnomon Informatics www.gnomon.com.gr

InteropEhealth www.interopehealth.com

Interoplab www.interoplab.nl

Kereval www.kereval.com

Philips Medical Systems Nederland www.philips.com

Siemens Healthineers www.siemens-healthineers.com

VISUS www.visus.com

x-tention www.x-tention.com


National Deployment Committees

IHE Austria www.ihe-austria.at

IHE Belgium www.ihe-belgium.org

IHE Czech Republic www.ihe-czech.cz

IHE Finland www.hl7.fi/sig-toiminta/ihe-sig

IHE France www.interopsante.org

IHE Germany www.ihe-d.de

IHE Italy www.ihe-italy.org (Associate Member)

IHE Netherlands www.ihe-nl.org

IHE Switzerland www.ihe-suisse.ch

IHE United Kingdom www.ihe-uk.org (Associate Member)


Government Agency 

Agence eSanté www.esante.lu



European Society of Radiology (ESR) www.myesr.org

COCIR www.cocir.org